I am happy to announce that the third Daniel Briggs novel, Broken, is now available to purchase. As we've done before for you loyal friends, Broken will be available for 99-cents (USD) for a very limited time. Don't wait! Get it >> HERE << (DON'T FORGET: If you need this in a format other than Kindle, buy the ebook on Amazon, email me the receipt, and I'll send you the other files types) Oh, and if you still need to pickup the first Daniel Briggs novel, Adrift, it's also 99-cents today. Get it >> HERE << BOOM!I was lucky enough to spend the last week with three of my favorite writer friends. Not only did we write an arse load, but USA Today Bestselling Author Nick Webb and I realized we were launching new novels on the very same day. Here's the great news for you: Nick is a military sci-fi writer who really gets the heart of a hero. In celebration of his new book Victory, and for a limited time, Nick is offering his book Constitution for only 99-cents. Get it before the price jumps to $3.99. Here's the link: http://getbook.at/Constitution If you're not yet convinced, here are some stats: - Over 1200 4- and 5-star reviews. 4.4 average. - Regular price $3.99. Save $3. - Nearly 100,000 sold - Feels like Battlestar Galactica, fast-paced, thrilling, high-octane fun. Military SciFi. - Did I mention that Nick's a really cool guy? What's Next?I have seven novels slated for 2016. Here are two more you'll be seeing in coming months.
Paul Bettenga
3/10/2016 06:34:46 am
Thanks. Can't wait to start Broken!
3/10/2016 08:18:19 am
CG just keeps pounding out novels worth reading. High impact fast moving completely engaging. Inspiring content, well researched. Hard to put down books worth sharing with friends and family. Way to go CG!
G. Younger
3/10/2016 07:04:52 pm
Broken is GREAT NOVEL!
G. Younger
3/13/2016 02:07:10 pm
Broken is rated #1 Best Seller in Military Thrillers on Amazon! Comments are closed.
June 2022