I used to love reading Choose Your Own Adventure books. Remember, the ones where you chose what happened next in the story?
I've always wanted to write something similar. Two days ago, it hit me. A lot of you guys keep telling me you want more, more, more. Okay, here it is. Help choose the adventure. In addition to the full length novels I'm writing, I want to write more. Here's how it'll work. It could be every day, every other day or every week, I'll write a new passage, anywhere from 200 to 1,000 words. At the end I'll leave a decision/cliffhanger where you get to vote on what happens next. Here's an example: Cal stepped across the putrid sewer grate, careful to avoid the broken glass in his way. Time was running out. He had two choices, should he A) take a trip through the rank sewer system, or B) take a chance scaling the dilapidated metal building? Based on your answers, I'll write the next part of the story. I won't know what happens until you tell me. One more twist: I'll also give you the power to add another option. If I really like it, I'll use your idea instead. Again, this isn't for everyone. You might not want an email from me every day and that's cool. Only sign up if you want to be part of something new and exciting here at Corps Justice. If I get enough takers, I start on Monday. If this little experiment works, I hope to do it over and over again. Oh, and did I mention that you'll also be one of the first to get a FREE copy of the finished story? Nice. If you're in, sign up here--->> http://forms.aweber.com/form/38/1878681338.htm Semper, CGC Being a patriot means different things to different people. For me, the word "patriot" invokes memories of the American flag, smoky battle in Gettysburg, sweat-stained Marines in Iraq, little kids in a 4th of July parade... Here's Merriam-Webster's definition of patriot: patriot: a person who loves and strongly supports or fights for his or her country Military Service Not Required You don't have to serve in the military to be a patriot. We honor our brothers and sisters on the front lines, patriots shedding blood for our country, but they're not the only patriots. Let's not forget about the policemen, public servants, wives, husbands, firemen, all patriots, all living an honorable life. What Makes A Patriot? The definition above says a patriot is someone who "loves and supports or fights..." The first element is LOVE. I love my country just as much as readers I've connected to in the U.K. or in Australia do their own. There's nothing better than coming home to the country we hold dear. The second element is SUPPORT. We don't have to agree with everything that happens in our nation's capitol (trust me, I don't), but we do have to support the overall mission. In America I believe our mission is to spread freedom, inclusion and prosperity throughout the world. Do you agree? The final element is FIGHTING. How many men and women have died throughout the ages fighting for their countries? We honor them by remembering their sacrifices, by taking care of the loved ones they've left behind. How Can You Be A Better Patriot? Define Your Love: Instead of complaining about the crooked politicians and the rising cost of milk, remind yourself about why you're here, why do you love your country? Help Your Fellow Patriots: You're surrounded by patriots. Open your eyes. Say hello to your neighbor. Buy a soldier a beer. Lend a helping hand. What else can we do to be better patriots? Quick Corps Justice Update Thank you all for spreading the word. Thanks to you March was my best sales month ever. Being able to connect with more and more readers really makes my day. "National Burden" Chugging Along As you might've noticed, I upgraded the book cover. Looks pretty good, don't you think?
I'm about halfway through writing the book. Looks like this one's gonna be a little longer than the last two. These damn politicians keep throwing piles of crap at President Zimmer. Good thing he's got Cal and the boys on his side. In the next update I'll include Chapter 1. Until next time... Semper, CGC Get All The Corps Justice Novels HERE |
June 2022