I'm really excited to share this one with you. Since Daniel's first book, Adrift, you've wondered how he became the guy we met in Council of Patriots. I've gotten emails about it weekly. It wasn't that I didn't know, I just hadn't figured out how to get it out of my brain and onto paper. Now the story's done and ready for you. Tested is the fourth and final book in the Daniel Briggs saga. Thanks to the fact that you are one of Team Cooper's faithful, you get to take advantage of the limited time launch price of 99-cents. (The price will go up to full retail on 1/6/17) If you're a Kindle Unlimited subscriber the book is free! So don't wait. Snag your copy (and one for a friend) right now. Here's the universal link: http://getbook.at/TestedDanielBriggs (For any non-Amazon readers, don't forget that you can buy Tested on Amazon, email me the receipt at [email protected], and I'll send you the book in the format you need.) Book Description: "Las Vegas. Sin City. Or is it my City of Dreams?" - Daniel Briggs Marine Sniper, Daniel Briggs, thinks he's got it all figured out. He's faced what he thinks is the worst, and his plan is to tackle Las Vegas like he conquered foreign enemies. But with his sobriety tentative at best, and with calamity tripping him up at every turn, how will the battered warrior fair in this, his hardest test to date? Will he succumb to his inner demons, or will he harness The Beast, and something new, in order to come out whole on the other side? WHAT'S NEXT FOR 2017?The next book I'm tackling is The Loyalist, which will be the second story in The Patriot Protocol series. I'm shooting for a late February-ish launch for this one. Then it's back to Corps Justice and a couple spinoffs with some of your favorite characters. More on those later... NEW FRIENDSOne of the cool things about having the opportunity to write for a living is that I run into other writers. While that might not have been earth shattering in the past, this year one of my goals is to help other writers find amazing readers like you guys.
How will I do that? I'll be helping them with their writing, marketing, etc.. and occasionally I'll share their work with you. Call it my way of giving back because some amazingly patient writers took time to mentor me. I hope you'll take the time to check my friends out because they are seriously talented. I'll sign off by saying thanks again for being along for this awesome journey. I would never have achieved a sliver of success without you all. 2017 is shaping up to be quite a year. Now back to writing. This next book won't write itself... Semper Fidelis and Happy New Year, CGC |
June 2022