Just wanted to give you guys a quick couple updates before the weekend. First, five minutes ago, I finished the rough draft for Book 4, Presidential Shift! Took me long enough. Jeez! As I mentioned in my last post, thing's are revving up from here. I'll release episodes 1-4 along with the entire novel sometime in February, once my editor cleans up the mess. You'll get the first peak. Second piece of news: Starting Monday, I'll write another storyline into the Corps Justice series. It's a prequel. About who and what? It's gonna be about Marine sniper Daniel Briggs, aka "Snake Eyes", and his journey back to the States after his time overseas. He's out of the Corps, in pain, searching for answers, drinking too much, kicking some ass. The book will be called Adrift, and chronicle one of his temporary stays in a small town, and what happens during the layover. I really want to tackle PTSD and how it's affecting our troops. An important issue right now.
Depending on how you and other readers like it, I have plans for more between normal Corps Justice additions. That's it for now. Thanks for reading. Feel free to let me know what you think. You always do :) Semper, CGC
T.R. McNeely
1/24/2014 04:59:28 am
I hate the wait. It is always great and worth it in the long run.
1/24/2014 07:47:48 am
Can't wait to get the new book. I love your writing style with a plot that keeps one interested.
Don Maynor
1/25/2014 11:52:28 am
Awesome, cant wait to read it!
Jim Dacey
1/25/2014 12:21:30 pm
I am looking forward to reading your latest, your books are spellbinding.
Darlene Turner
8/11/2014 01:42:22 pm
I love the idea of a book dealing with PTSD. Our son is suffering with this and feels less a man because he can't "fix" it or "stuff" it. He is getting help, thank God, but we need so many more "qualified" doctors to help these soldiers and better and more reliable medications without so many horrifying side affects on top of that. Families are torn apart by this as there just isn't enough information to help them deal. The military needs to get off it's collective butts and realize how devastating this really is and isn't going away. There are no pat solutions nor answers but if they studied this as they do the affect of different weapons they'd get somewhere, maybe. Thank you for doing a book about this and I can't wait to get my copy. Good luck and God speed. 8/11/2014 09:59:59 pm
Thanks, Darlene. I agree with you. The first step is to tell these guys and gals like your son that they aren't lesser people because of what they're having a hard time handling. They're still Marines, soldiers and airmen. Like Gen. Mattis said, if we start with that, and take care of them just like we'd leave no one behind on the battlefield, the rest takes care of itself. Please give your son our best and let him know he's not alone. Comments are closed.
June 2022