I hope you're keeping up with the news.
I hope you're getting the real scoop. I hope you're seeing what a lot of other Americans aren't seeing. There's a growing list of raging hotspots around the world: Libya, Egypt, Iran, Israel and Spain...and that was only on my two minute scan of tops headlines this morning! Funny thing is, peruse the national TV networks, and it's all fluff. Is ignorance really bliss?? Our President was elected four years ago on a platform of change. Well, we've seen things change alright! In that time we've seen our national debt balloon, our credibility and strength in the international community fall, and the divide amongst American grow. Despite what our politicians say, it is possible to work together. Take a look at the military. How do we do it? Each branch of the Armed Services is full of warriors with differing political views. We ignore race. We ignore religion. We focus on mission. Our warriors stand together to fight for our nation. Our politicians should do the same. Washington needs to take a page out of the military playbook. The military says performance is king: What happens if a Supply Officer can't keep his annual budget balanced? He's gone. The same should happen to politicians. Unfortunately we let them play with OUR money, waste it, then re-elect them. If they were on the board of a large corporation, they'd be fired! The military says mission first: Take that hill. Capture that terrorist. Cordon the area. In the military we learn to be very specific with mission objectives. Does anyone have any idea what America's mission is? I think it used to be "America will be a beacon of hope and freedom for the world to see." Now is it "America is going to be nice to everyone?" I think we can safely say that hasn't worked. So let's ask, "What is America's new mission, Washington?" So take a look around. See what America's turning into. Get out and vote. Keep politicians accountable. Write a letter to your Congressman. Volunteer. Do something! In an age when a lot of people on the street think politics isn't their problem, and a sense of entitlement threatens the fabric of our wonderful nation, it's time for us to stand up. Let's stand up and vote. Let's stand up and help each other. Let's stand up and be strong. Let's stand up and be one. What will you do to make this country great? Carlos Cooper is author of the Corps Justice novels
Rick Putra
4/17/2013 08:59:57 am
Carlos. Your comments regarding Politicians AND voters are 100% correct. Unfortuntately a large number of the younger generation have lost the vision of greatness and only think of their rights and not their responsibilities.Most politicians are shallow and morally lacking. A large part of this is due to the education system and mainstream media which I view as the equivalent of comics. After recently returning from China I saw a country that was focused and pioneering ahead. The young are dedicated and well educated and the work ethic is probably extreme but it is moving their country forward. The political scene in China still has a way to go. The million dollar question for the US is how to focus people to put the country first! Comments are closed.
June 2022