NOTES: Today was one of those days that the power of the brain amazed me. I blinked and found two chapters on my computer screen. That must mean we're closing in on the objective. I won't ramble today except to remind you to let me know what loose ends you think I'm forgetting about. I ain't perfect :) Enjoy today's installments... (CAUTION: The following contains unedited material that may be unsuitable for the grammatically inclined. Keep in mind that I don’t review what I write until after the first draft of the whole novel is done, so please keep your spelling and grammar fixes until the Beta Reader rounds.) Content Removed For Publishing
NOTES: Oh man! I am loving the back and forth in the Comments section. Here's my take on yesterday's conversation: I agree with both sides (if you can even call them sides). Here's why: if you'll remember, when we first started this story I was grappling with the "How could they take down the Marine Corps?" question. I totally agree that this isn't just about money, but that's where the thread started, and for some reason it's the argument that surfaces most often in the real world even though, like Vin said, it's just shifting dollars from one place to another. But in this story, once we started pulling we found a rat's nest of turds trying to insert their egos and ambitions. Money, ego, incompetence, greed, vengeance... That's what this attack on the Marine Corps is all about. Could it happen in real life? Maybe. The point of this whole thing is that when people have self-centered motives, and have the ability to see their vision implemented, no one is safe, not even the Marine Corps. Take a look at mighty empires (Roman?) that have crumbled even though they were at one point seemingly invincible. I think that's the point I want to make with the story. We should all, no matter what branch of service, no matter how secure our future seems, take a greater vision into account. We are paint strokes on an larger canvas. Through our actions, will we choose to make the final masterpiece a cohesive piece or will we selfishly sabotage the whole thing for our own needs? I've always believed that being a good citizen starts with how we treat our neighbors. Take care of one another. Be nice. It's okay to be proud and loyal, but not to the point where it crushes the innocent. Crush the wicked all you want, but let's always question our own motives. <soapbox kicked over> Anyway, the short version is this: Chain of Command is a story about selfish men with selfish ambitions. It just so happens that the tool/skapegoat they use to get to their goal is the United States Marine Corps. I hope that makes sense. If not...oh crap... Content Removed For PublishingFinale week is here! Not much to say except buckle your seat belts and keep sending your ideas my way. Here we go... SIDE NOTE: Some of you have read the first Benjamin Dragon novel. Due to a slew of requests (and the fact that I need to get the story out of my head) I'm going to write #2 soon, but I need beta readers. If you're interested, please email me at [email protected] and let me know if you want to be in Group 1 (first read honors) or Group 2 (in-depth grammar and final fine tuning). Thanks in advance. Content Removed For Publishing |
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February 2017