Content removed for publishing... (CAUTION: The following contains unedited material that may be unsuitable for the grammatically inclined. Keep in mind that I don’t review what I write until after the first draft of the whole novel is done, so please keep your spelling and grammar fixes until the Beta Reader rounds.)
2/17/2016 02:19:39 pm
This really sets the stage of back to basics and what becomes valuable when everything falls apart. Bartering essentials and having skills to make the things critical for trade is a lifeline. Caution is a critical survival skill. It also shows that there is still room for small extravagances for those you love. Great first chapter!
Judy Stone
2/17/2016 02:54:55 pm
Great observations, Lily. You've hit the nail on the head, and I don't have anything to add.
2/18/2016 10:53:14 am
I agree with Lily and Judy! Excellent start!
RJerry Lovett
2/17/2016 02:27:27 pm
Starting out with a new time period of time is very different but I believe will be interesting! I know the story will be just as intertaining!
G. Younger
2/17/2016 02:28:21 pm
Gee, Carlos, just to imagine our country turning into this is terrifying. I am thinking this will be a harrowing, haunting tale. Boy do I hope it has a good ending!
2/17/2016 02:30:33 pm
Decent start. Personally, I like to know the lay of the land during the first couple chapters to help build. But overall, it has a good feel to it. But all we know right now is that this is an empty/war torn-like-land that Ryker and his family are trying to survive in it and that he killed two men already. Will we get to know more about why the land is like this in upcoming chapters? More about The Collapse? Was Ryker in the military before and that's why he won't take his family to the airport?
Caroline Ward
2/17/2016 02:32:17 pm
Awesome start you have me interested to see more.
2/17/2016 02:33:49 pm
More, more, more!! Love it so far, can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter. You definitely have my attention. Keep it up.
2/17/2016 02:36:01 pm
OK, I'm hooked.
Kathryn Andresen
2/17/2016 02:46:40 pm
Wow, this is different. I like your characterization! The situation sucks and since much of your writing seems to happen, scary too!!
2/17/2016 02:47:39 pm
Good chapter, Cooper. I'm not one of the survivalist "weirdos" that we hear about, but I do believe there will come a time when barter will be used instead of money and learning how to survive now is not a bad idea. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. Sometimes I wish I had served in the military so I could have some of those skills to fall back on.
2/18/2016 02:13:05 am
My husband has been underemployed but got MBA, really looking for work - only seasonal for past 5 years and temp jobs here and there. Makes you firmly believe in bartering!! Not too far from real life in some places!
neill woodward SR
2/17/2016 02:51:17 pm
Great 1st chapter. Others have said what i wanted to say so i will not repeat it. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Carlos we are neighbors and Nolensville, Tn., is my home and my business. You are scaring me to death to even dream such might happen in our paradise acres? On the other hand Tennessee is home to a lot of generations of families that know how to stay safe and live off the lead on oh fearless one.
2/17/2016 04:26:27 pm
I forgot about that, Ed. Then you'll get some great heebeegeebees.
2/18/2016 02:14:28 am
At least you can stand vigil together to keep each other safe
2/17/2016 03:03:08 pm
Drawing me in even more.
Susan q
2/17/2016 03:29:55 pm
Great chapter! I'm glad we now have some location info and like how you indicated how much the town has changed since whatever happened to change life as they knew it. Always good to know critical skills because we may not always just be able to go to the store and buy what we need. Can't wait to read more.
2/17/2016 03:58:43 pm
I'm truly liking this new way of dispensing information in the story line. Giving us more to build on in each chapter. Ryker is perfect name for our lead character. At my age I'll no longer be here in 2057 and in the situation you are portraying I'd not want to be.
2/17/2016 04:20:45 pm
I'm not a survivalist either, sometimes I feel like we are on a slippery slope and wonder how many skills that I have learned would come into play under those circumstances. I'm looking forward to more, great start.
2/17/2016 04:26:01 pm
I forgot to mention that I'm curious as to which of our Corps Justice characters Ryker is related to. Hoping it could be Daniel as he is my favorite and would have passed on his morality and his steely reserve. Second choice of course is Cal himself. Just a little fantasy brewing.
2/18/2016 02:16:10 am
I think it is Willy
2/17/2016 04:40:57 pm
The way things are it doesn't seem so far away. On the edge of my seat.
Tory Shade
2/17/2016 05:11:42 pm
Good start. Looking forward to more. Yea, with the Pope in Mexico, I thought about your earlier book too.
2/17/2016 06:32:12 pm
Going great. I'm hooked. But don't ignore Cal and crew.
Richard Ahern
2/17/2016 06:34:04 pm
Capt. Cooper,
2/17/2016 08:52:23 pm
Weird right?
Sandy K
2/17/2016 07:07:35 pm
Good start, letting get the lay of the land and seeing it through their eyes. Looking forward to the next chapter.
2/17/2016 08:48:19 pm
Interesting chapter. I can't help but be intrigue// by the "Collapse" and wonder which of the 4 Horsemen caused the destruction of modern civilization. Keep up the great work.
Ralph Kurtzman
2/17/2016 09:25:13 pm
The future displayed in these few paragraphs is a very true possibly. The fact that we have become if it's broke throw it way life style, basic skills will be a prime asset if there was an EMP event. I greatly appreciate the privilege of being part of the team reading these chapters.
Faye Godwin
2/18/2016 01:56:21 am
Great beginning. Looking forward to the rest of the novel. The scenario of total devastation depicted is a true possibility in America. We just do not want to accept the fact. America is on the brink of a rude awakening if something is not done regarding our current government leaders. Just my opinion. Keep the chapters coming Carlos. Can't wait to see what transpires with Ryker and his family.
2/18/2016 02:21:53 am
Wasn't it Vin that wanted homemade ammo? Good story - reminds me of TNT's "Last Ship" where pandemic sweeps through US but some are imune.
2/19/2016 07:05:16 pm
We are not hard core survivalists but we live in SW Florida and with some of the storms we have it is necessary to be prepared for extended times without some of the modern conveniences like electricity and fresh running water. We keep a reasonable stock of non perishable food, multiple gas bottles for the BBQ, stores of five gallon water bottles, and of course weapons for survival and defense.
Craig Wilcox
2/18/2016 05:51:44 am
Great first chapter - time, location, character development. Sure making me yearn for the next chapter. CG, I sure appreciate the opportunity to see your new story develop. Does Ryker have a first name? Or is that his first name?
Craig Wilcox
2/18/2016 05:59:59 am
OK, my bad! Went back and re-read, found I had skipped the "comments regarding typos" statement. Apologies.
Warren R Madsen
2/18/2016 07:07:44 am
I like it. My first thought was wondering what the "breakdown in society" was that led to this family having to live this way. My continuing interest is definitely piqued.
2/18/2016 07:48:12 am
It is something that i will be looking forward too. Survival while trying to save some of the humanity some people still have. Great First Chapter, Carlos! Keep it coming!!!
Christina uk
2/18/2016 07:56:37 am
So far not my cup of tea I'll wait until further chapters are forthcoming before making any judgement. But if your heart in it knock yourself out.
2/18/2016 06:25:08 pm
That painted a very complete picture or snapshot. I definitely am hooked and will continue reading.
2/19/2016 05:38:16 pm
main character background ideas...
2/19/2016 05:46:30 pm
RonK (for future reference)
2/23/2016 10:57:49 am
A little bit scary. What would many of the children of today be able to barter with? Without electricity and electronics so many are lost and now they don't want to teach writing either! This should get interesting!
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