"I wish to revisit the book cover. After posting last evening, l decided to reread ADRIFT. There was a sinister side to Daniel. Remember his taking out the rich family and their goons that were terrorizing a community? It is almost like Daniel morphed into a super killing machine. But, remember, he killed only really bad guys. Even then, l was rooting for him. Is this the Daniel you were trying to capture in the book cover?" NOTES: Oh, man. It was SOOOO hard not replying to your comments last night concerning the Daniel Briggs book cover. I heard you. I totally understood what you meant with your comments about the "evil" eyes, etc... I felt the same way after first seeing it. I almost did reply... but I had faith. And then, right before I put my laptop away for the night, G. Younger flies in with exactly what I wanted you guys to figure out about the book cover for Daniel's next book. Here's what G.Y. said: Yes! That's exactly what I wanted to portray with the eye-catching cover. Let's not forget that Daniel is more than a little troubled in his prequels. This isn't the same Snake Eyes we know now. Back then he was struggling with his demons and the roaring beast inside. To me, the cover depicts that pretty well. It also give a nice Ying-Yang, Good-Bad vibe with the flag face paint. I know it's dicey using a fully visible face since everyone has their own vision of what a character looks like, but, well, I figured out a while ago that I can't please 'em all :) Love the ideas for the title. If you have more, please submit them in the comments. And now, back to the story. Let me know what you think... Content Removed For Publishing
1/14/2015 03:54:28 am
ahhhhh i love it that he's connecting with someone. don't need a 'love muffin' type story....this shows he's still got a heart after all he's been through. love it!
Jerry Lovett
1/14/2015 03:59:48 am
This was another good chapter. I enjoy your books very much because they have a great story to tell. I like the cover for this book.
1/14/2015 04:02:34 am
Great chapter, Diane Mayer brings something special to the story and it's what Cal needs to round him out. It's great, what he does for the country but he needs to have a life and Diane is it.
G. Younger
1/14/2015 04:17:14 am
Hmmmm...I dare say that mushy romantic scenes are not my forte, however, I like the idea of Cal having a life outside of saving the world.
Judy Stone
1/14/2015 04:19:57 am
I'm pleased Diane and Cal have declared their love, but the chapter's too wordy. Tighten it up with powerful paragraphs that wring us dry.
1/14/2015 05:33:38 am
Good chapter overall. Diane is what Cal needs and they have something to bring to the Jefferson Group together. I like that you put some emotion and complexity into the conversation as they are both too strong and stubborn to get too mushy and just blurt their feelings out.
1/14/2015 07:18:20 am
That was a good chapter! I like the way you wrote the two and the fact that they didn't just say I love you and then fall into bed together. It had a really good feel to it.
1/14/2015 07:24:50 am
Jamaica actually :)
1/14/2015 08:13:07 am
Ya know, I'm thinkin' that this book is probably your best one so far. Mr. Cooper, I'm pumped for this one! Thanks for being able to cut thru the b.s., and give the skinny like hot off the steam line!
1/14/2015 09:00:34 am
This just did not track with me. Cal is a man of action, able to express a lot in a few words. It just went too long for me. I found myself skimming through it, which I have never done with your work. jmho
Sandy K
1/14/2015 09:26:09 am
Interesting chapter! I am glad that Cal and Diane are finally getting into the relationship that is right for him. The chapter was a bit sappy and long, but good. Thanks to G. Younger fir reminding us about Daniel's past and Adrift. Almost forgot how he was before teaming up surgIcal.
Sandy K
1/14/2015 09:28:07 am
I hate auto correct....that should be teaming up with Cal.
Don Hoffman
1/14/2015 11:30:01 am
Carlos, I am so very proud of you! That is arguably the best chapter yet! You have finally given Cal the one thing he was missing in life, an anchor. Not a "ball & chain", but a spiritual and emotional anchor that will keep his soul in a safe harbor, even if he is out and about, shooting and looting. No, before anyone says it, this is not turning into a bare chested "alpha" Marine novel. Cal's real immediate family is all dead. Since then, it has been the Corps, or his "teams" who served as his family to keep him focused on life. Now he has found a woman who is his equal in many ways and who can make a profound difference in the way he approaches life.and its many attendant problems. She will be a perfect fit in his personal and professional life. You have also shown in her a reflection of all the Marine wives, including your own, that have stood bravely by while their warriors were out saving the day. Cal has always been a "real" person to your readers, this chapter makes him a complete person. The other thing I might add, is that this chapter could only have been written by a man who just spent a week in Jamaica with his sweetheart. No wonder you were in a weakened state and got the flu. ;-) Hope you're feeling better soon!
1/15/2015 01:12:38 am
Don said it all better than any other comment here. This is arguably the best chapter you have written in all of your books.
1/15/2015 02:24:29 am
Wow, thanks guys.
1/14/2015 11:32:05 am
Glad to see you show that Cal is human and has a heart and wants a life beyond just the job. I am curious to see if Diane will become more involved with what TJG does or not. Part of me wants to see her get more involved because that is such a big part of Cal. But the other part hopes she doesn't so that part of Cal's life is as separate as it can get.
Neill Woodward Sr
1/14/2015 11:32:45 pm
I like this chapter and i'm glad to see cal having feelings that he thought he had lost. Wonderful keep it going.
1/15/2015 03:37:50 pm
The cover... In my mind Daniel's face is more chiseled, angular, sharp. Otherwise the cover IS Daniel in all his PTSD angst. Most of us would be leary- to one degree or another- of Daniel as he was in Adrift. I know a 'Daniel' and most people felt very uncomfortable in his presence when he first came home.
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