You've done it. Yep, you really have. You've humbled me. Through your overwhelming support for Presidential Shift, you've shown me that I need to do more to give back to veterans. The Corps Justice journey began with my search to find some way to help our troops. I tell stories that will hopefully connect with you and your friends. Stories about heroes and patriotism, brotherhood and kinship. I try to relate them honestly and with my heart wide open. Here's the problem: I want more. I want to hear your stories. I want to learn from the millions who've raised their right hand for this country. I want to give more. So I did something about it. Yesterday I launched what I'm temporarily calling the "Veteran Spotlight". Check out the first post I did on my old buddy Ted: HERE. With the new page I want to interview fellow veterans who are proud of the time they spent in the service, and want to spread the word. I want to focus on individuals, groups, support organizations and veteran-owned businesses and give them the exposure. Once the interview goes live, they/you can share it anywhere you want. Call it free publicity. Now it's your turn. Want to give back? Here are the ways you can: 1) Be one of the people I interview. All the questions are right HERE. Fill out the form, I'll follow-up, and then we'll post it. 2) Recommend a friend. Let your friends know that they can get free exposure for their business/organization/group. Again, the interview form is HERE. 3) Help me name this new "thing". Here are some possibilities:
Think those suck? Give me some better ideas. Once I have a handful I'll let you guys choose.
So there you go. One more way that we can help our friends. I hope you approve. Let me know in the COMMENTS section what you think I should call it. Just wanted to give you guys a quick couple updates before the weekend. First, five minutes ago, I finished the rough draft for Book 4, Presidential Shift! Took me long enough. Jeez! As I mentioned in my last post, thing's are revving up from here. I'll release episodes 1-4 along with the entire novel sometime in February, once my editor cleans up the mess. You'll get the first peak. Second piece of news: Starting Monday, I'll write another storyline into the Corps Justice series. It's a prequel. About who and what? It's gonna be about Marine sniper Daniel Briggs, aka "Snake Eyes", and his journey back to the States after his time overseas. He's out of the Corps, in pain, searching for answers, drinking too much, kicking some ass. The book will be called Adrift, and chronicle one of his temporary stays in a small town, and what happens during the layover. I really want to tackle PTSD and how it's affecting our troops. An important issue right now.
Depending on how you and other readers like it, I have plans for more between normal Corps Justice additions. That's it for now. Thanks for reading. Feel free to let me know what you think. You always do :) Semper, CGC Thanks to all who participated in this month's Corps Justice survey. Many of you wondered about the reason behind the survey. There was more than one, "What's the deal, Coop?" First, I didn't mean to scare any of you. Cal and crew aren't going anywhere. As you know, I take my writing very seriously. I want to be smart about what I put on the market. The best way to find out what my 2014 strategy would be was to ask you, my most loyal friends. Episodes vs. Full Novel Last year, I released Prime Asset in three episodes, then as a whole novel. Some of you didn't like the episodes, instead preferring the entire novel. That's cool. Here's what I found on the "business" side. Both the episodes and the full novel sold well all year. Some readers didn't mind paying for each and every episode. Cool with me. Plus, with the episode, I increased the chances of finding new readers with more products available. This was the split from your survey answers: What I'm Gonna Do For 2014, I'm going to release every episode at the same time as the full novel. That way readers can choose whether to buy it in pieces or all at once. Free Copies For Honest Reviews Over the course of 2013, many of you have taken advantage of my offer to download a free copy of a novel/short story, in exchange for an honest review. It felt like a win-win. Here's what you said: Here's the 2014 Plan I want to keep hooking you up for being part of the Corps Justice family. I'm toying with the idea of only giving free copies to those who want them (some of you have told me you'd rather pay and support the effort), and not send a free link to everyone. We'll play this one by ear. Character Short Stories I wrote God-Speed and Running to give you the backstory of Cal Sr. and Cal. Here's what you said about future character shorts: Future Shorts I have a couple stories in mind that will probably hit the market this year. MSgt Willy Trent is on the top of that list. Here are the characters you said you'd like to see more of: More Survey Results I thought this was a timely question: Reader Comments Here are some of my favorite comments that you left at the end of the survey: Have bought everyone of the Corps Justice series and have reread all of them at least twice. Find myself checking my Gmail every morning in expectation of news about a news for the newest novel. They are so well done that I feel like I personally know all the characters. Semper Fi Love your books. They are action packed and keep me up late at night so I can finish!! Keep up the good work!! I enjoy deep character development. I am also a Marine ('67) so I really like Corps related books. I have enjoyed everything you have done thus far. I love reading the books and I'm not a big reader but something about your books just hit home Keep them coming please! You write...I will then, tell my friends. You provide enormous entertainment, and I think your Corps J. series is wonderful. I think YOU are wonderful to so entertain! Love the Justice series and wilł buy anything you deliver. Anchors Away---Semper Fi I'm English so couldn't really answer question 3 as an ex Royal Marine (which incidentally are much better ;) ) I'm extremely patriotic, keep up the great work just do it faster. Stop sitting there reading this get and writing! Thanks again for your honesty and your continued support. With your help, 2014 is going to be great year.
Semper Fidelis, CGC |
June 2022